Actions and Variables

Trigger: Device Rotation and Variable: Current View

With Lectora’s Responsive Course Design you can control what information is provided to you learners depending on the type of device – desktop, tablet or smartphone – and orientation they are using. Current View the variable contains the name of the device and orientation currently being used to view the title. This will be one of the following values: Desktop, PhonePortrait, PhoneLandscape, TabletPortrait, and TabletLandscape. The Device Rotation trigger executes the action when the orientation of the user’s tablet or phone is rotated, for example from horizontal/landscape to vertical/portrait. Actions with this trigger can be applied to organizational levels, such as the title, chapters, sections, and pages, and the object level (images, buttons, and text).


This article last reviewed Dec, 2015. The software may have changed since the last review. Please visit our Release Notes to learn more about version updates.