Building a Scenario

CenarioVR: Actions & Conditions Highlight


You can add actions to give your scenario interactivity. To add an action, select the object of the action. Then select the Action button. Choose your action and objects from the drop-down.

  1. Link to Scene allows you to move from one scene to another. Simply add a Link to Scene action to a hotspot, question choice, or as a timed action. Then choose the location in which you want to move to.
  2. Play Scene lets you play a video-based scenario. By default, the video will play once added unless you deselect the Loop option.
  3. Pause Scene lets you pause a video based scenario. This may be helpful if you want to discuss what previously happened using audio or an info card, or test their knowledge progression using a question card.
  4. Jump to Scene Time lets you choose a specific time in your video-based scene you wish to skip to. This is helpful if you want to move forward in a scene when the person has successfully completed an interaction.
  5. Show gives you the ability to show an object. Add a Show action to a hotspot, question choice, or as a timed action then select the object you want to show. You can also select the duration in which you want to the object to show.
  6. Hide gives you the ability to no longer show an object. Add a Hide action to a hotspot, question choice, or as a timed action then select the object you want to hide. You can also select the duration in which you want to the object to hide.
  7. Animate allows you to animate an object in the scene in a way where it can spin and rotate along the X, Y, & Z coordinates, grow the object to a larger size, display a tooltip, and/or encase the object inside a circle.
  8. Stop Animate will stop an object from continuing an animation that it was displaying beforehand.
  9. Pan To gives you the ability to move your scenario to a particular location based on where an object is on the canvas. Add a Pan To action to a hotspot, question choice, or as a timed action. Then choose the object in which you want to pan to.
  10. Disable will disable a hotspot so it it no longer interactive for the learner.
  11. Enable will enable a previously disabled hotspot so a learner can interact with it.
  12. Reset will revert the object back to its original state.
  13. Play lets you play audio, video and/or timer objects that exist in the scene.
  14. Pause will pause any audio, video, and/or timer objects that are currently playing in the scene. This will keep the timestamp of the object saved until it's played again. 
  15. Stop will stop any audio, audio, video and/or timer objects that are currently playing in the scene. This will reset the video back to the beginning if played again. 
  16. Set Time allows you to set a dedicated timestamp (example: 4 seconds) to quickly skip to in the audio, video, or timer object.
  17. Modify Variable allows you to manipulate existing variables in the current scenario by either setting the value directly, or by adding/substracting to/from. 
  18. Add to Score disables automatic scoring and allows you to use the Score value for your own counting purpose. You can also subtract from the score by entering in a negative value.
  19. Set Score overrides the automatic scoring and marks it to the value in which you specified.
  20. Send Completion will report to the Learning Management System (in a SCORM publish) that the viewer has completed the scenario. This will pass “completed” to the LMS along with the viewer’s score (if any).
  21. Reset will reset all of the object conditions within a single scene, or reset all object conditions & variables for the whole entire scenario. 
  22. Exit Scenario only applies when publishing to CVR Live (aka CVR Platform) where it will close the window and send a completion status to the CVR LRS if not already sent. If publishing the scenario outside of CVR, then simply use the Send Completion action instead. 
  23. Web Link will open an external website by URL. This will only work when the scenario is viewed through a web browser. 
  24. Open Attachment will open a file that is attached to the scenario. This will only work when viewing the scenario through a web browser. 



Actions can also include a Condition. This allows for decision-based development.  When adding a Condition, you’re essentially stating that only if this is or is not true will something be performed on the screen or behind the scenes.  You can base conditional actions on a variety of objects like hotspots, questions, scenes, audio, video, images, info cards, and the scenario score. Depending on what you select, different things can be happen. 



  • Has been selected
  • Has not been selected
  • Has been shown
  • Has not been shown



  • Is Correct
  • Is not correct
  • Has been answered
  • Has not been answered
  • Has been shown
  • Has not been shown



  • Has been visited
  • Has not been visited


Audio & Video

  • Has been played
  • Has not been played
  • Has been shown (video)
  • Has not been shown (video)


Images and Info Cards

  • Has been shown
  • Has not been shown


Scenario Score

  • Is Passing
  • Is Not Passing
  • Is Greater Than
  • Is Greater Than or Equal To
  • Is Less Than
  • Is Less Than or Equal To
  • Is Equal To
  • Is Not Equal To



This article last reviewed February, 2023. The software may have changed since the last review.